STATE QUESTION 758 — What it does: Reduces the cap on the maximum annual tax valuation increase for homestead properties and agricultural land from 5 percent to 3 percent.

STATE QUESTION 759 — What it does: Bans preferential treatment (affirmative action) based on race, color, gender, ethnicity or national origin in state and municipal employment, education, and contracting.

STATE QUESTION 762 — What it does: Removes the governor from the parole process for less serious, non-violent offenses.

STATE QUESTION 764 — What it does: Creates a $300 million bonding authority for the Oklahoma Water Resource Board (OWRB) in the case of water and sewage treatment loan defaults.

STATE QUESTION 765 — What it does: Eliminates the commission overseeing the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) and transfers its powers to the Legislature and governor.

QUESTION 766 — What it does: Exempts corporations? intangible property from property taxes.