Happy Thanksgiving

To our clients and to our many friends: We thank you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. The words of President Lincoln?s Thanksgiving Proclamation ring as true today as they must have in 1863 in the midst of the Civil War: “It has seemed to me fit and proper...

Veterans Day 2009 – 11 November

Veterans Day by Cheryl Dyson On Veterans Day we honor all, Who answered to a service call. Soldiers young, and soldiers old, Fought for freedom, brave and bold. Some have lived, while others died, And all of them deserve our pride. We?re proud of all the soldiers who,...

Loan Modification Myths

Myth No. 1: ?You must be behind on your payments to qualify for a loan modification. This belief is patently false. However, the reason why this belief exists is because it was once true. Before the U.S. government got involved, most banks could not be convinced that...

Successful Defense of Residential Tenant

At the end of a landlord/tenant relationship disputes can easily lead to litigation. ?This week I was pleased to successfully defend a Tulsa couple that were sued by their landlord for rent and late fees far in excess of what was actually owed by the tenants. ?It was...