by Brian Huddleston | Feb 5, 2013 | Real Estate Law
When signing a commercial lease, it is essential to understand and agree to all of the provisions. The provisions in a commercial lease are usually designed to favor the landlord; however, a landlord may be willing to negotiate. An experienced real estate attorney...
by Brian Huddleston | Jan 2, 2013 | Legislation & Case Notes, Real Estate Law
In the law to avoid the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” passed on New Year’s Day, Congress extended ?to January 1, 2014,?the exclusion from gross income of discharged mortgage debt from a qualified principal residence. ?See,?Section 202 of the American...
by Brian Huddleston | Nov 7, 2012 | Legislation & Case Notes, Real Estate Law
STATE QUESTION 758 — What it does: Reduces the cap on the maximum annual tax valuation increase for homestead properties and agricultural land from 5 percent to 3 percent. STATE QUESTION 759 — What it does: Bans preferential treatment (affirmative action)...
by Brian Huddleston | Oct 24, 2012 | Legislation & Case Notes, Real Estate Law
The Oklahoma Open Carry law goes into effect on Nov. 1. According to the Oklahoma Open Carry Association (OKOCA), the law means that: as of that date, ??it will be legal to openly carry a handgun in the State of Oklahoma. This means that any person with a valid...
by Brian Huddleston | Oct 11, 2012 | Real Estate Law
The landlord occasionally needs to decide whether an individual performing services in connection with his rental units should be treated as an employee or an independent contractor. This decision will determine whether the landlord withholds income and other taxes,...